What is the difference between an automatic solar panel cleaning system and manual cleaning?

No manual cleaning service over the lifetime of the panels can compare in return on investment to our automatic cleaning system. Our system affords you the opportunity to keep your panels clean every day, not just 2 to 4 days a year.

This will result in:

  • Increased power output over the life cycle of the panels, OR, one may elect to reduce the number of panels at the original installation as those panels will be given the opportunity to achieve their potential. Installing additional panels to offset loss due to dirt and debris can be minimized.
  • Reduced cleaning costs over the lifetime of the project.
  • Tax rebates for new installations (where applicable).
  • Assuming new installations are deductible, for commercial providers the “cleaning issue” is taken out of the deductible only Operations & Maintenance budget and 30% of the lifecycle cleaning is refunded through tax credits (in the U.S.). Front loading maintenance costs into the capital purchase allow the remaining 70% of the system costs (or 100% if there is no tax credit up front) to be included in accelerated depreciation schedules. This may result in an investor recouping the maximum allowable tax benefits of the system within five years. (Note: check with your CPA for details and verification).
  • Elimination of personal liability, employee injury or roof damage for roof mounted systems.
  • Elimination of potential damage to the solar panel from brushes scraping over the glass surface for 25 years.
  • Your customers receiving maximum return for their solar investment.
  • Note that there are costs over the project lifetime for replacement of soap concentrate used, filter replacement and water usage.

We will gladly compare return on investment numbers with any manual cleaning option. When factoring in the additional power gain, at virtually any increased performance level, the return increases even more. Even if the loss is only ten percent, calculate what the value of that lost energy is worth every day as well as what the cost would be to add additional panels to regain that ten percent.